Make Data Science Services Your Marketing Weapon to Tackle Complex Data

Harness the power of data science services to navigate through intricate data landscapes. Our tailored solutions provide the edge you need to unlock valuable insights and make informed decisions. Let us be your partner in conquering the complexities of data, driving your business towards success.

See Beyond the Business with Data Analytics and Make Your Businesses Smarter

Apply advanced data analytics techniques to extract valuable information by sifting through a mountain of information. Use advanced tools and techniques to examine large volumes of organizational data and plan strategic decisions.
We help small and large business to increase their operational efficiency and identify new business opportunities. By incorporating these insights, organizations can improve their marketing campaigns by analyzing sales figures and website clicks.
At Big Data Centric, we help businesses run their operations by minimizing equipment breakdowns and optimizing supply chains. By uncovering hidden trends, patterns, and insights, we enable you to create business strategies that analyze customer behavior and market trends.
Empower your businesses beyond regular operations across agencies, healthcare, manufacturing, and trading industries with fraud detection and protection against cyber attacks. Mining valuable customer data and improving conversion rates will help you experience stronger business performance.

Unearth Business Gold with Big Data Centric Data Science Services

With powerful artificial intelligence and machine learning tools, valuable information from unorganized data can be gathered and used to make actionable decisions.

Big Data Services

Transform your business operations by predicting outcomes with incredible accuracy by implementing detailed roadmaps and recommending data quality management practices. Our big data services enable you to uncover software modernization and development opportunities.

Data Mining Services

Uncover your business's hidden potential by building data mining models on prepared data sets and evaluating the quality of insights. We enable your business to tune your data business models by deciding on unique KPIs and determining issues with existing solutions.

Data Warehousing Services

Store your organizational data in the right place with data warehousing services for on-premises or cloud infrastructure. We integrate your existing intelligence systems by configuring, migrating, and cleaning data and help you achieve a stable and quality data flow with consultation services.

Image Analysis Services

Revolutinize image classification, segmentation, and recognition with trained neural networks on large data sets with high accuracy. We offer advanced image analysis services for businesses and help them analyze their visitors’ data with pre-determined processing models.

Business Intelligence Services

We help your businesses formulate strategies better to understand the key business metrics with data visualization. We spot the latest trends and drive performance with interactive dashboards by transforming complex data sets to deploy custom intelligence solutions.

Data Analytics Consulting

Build a steady stream of insights through data strategies tailored to your business. We help your organization mobilize your fragmented by creating data analysis solutions with the right reporting tools. Discover your data’s true destination by leveraging it to lift performance levels.

Our Process for Building Data Science Analytics Solutions

Setting Data Science Lifecycle with Four Simple Steps


Setting Data Science Lifecycle with Four Simple Steps

We start by mapping and understanding your business problem and creating a data analytics strategy that will help you build an effective data model.



We collect high-quality targeted data, a process crucial to gaining meaningful results by segregating and extracting it into usable data.



We clean the unstructured data to ensure its accuracy and efficacy in a time-intensive process. We eliminate duplicate, inconsistent, and improper data and resolve all flaws.



The last step is to train and deploy a data model using statistical models and algorithms to extract high-value predictions and communicate the findings clearly and concisely.

Wide Range of Industry Expertise

Integrate and Analyze Datasets to Address Different Industrial Needs

Supply Chain

Data science enables your business to predict and forecast demand for inventory and streamline logistics to reduce costs, as well as boost delivery speed.

Fraud Detection in Banking

Banking operations can be continuously monitored for stability indicators to identify insights into customer services and forecast the performance of financial institutions.

Transportation and Logistics Analysis

Analyzing transportation operations and vehicle maintenance becomes efficient with capacity planning and predicting optimal levels of fuel consumption.

Equipment Performance Maintenance

The effectiveness of manufacturing equipment can be increased with data science and analytics to maintain their power consumption and process quality.

Utilize the Benefits of Data Science Analytics

Monitor Revenue and Expenses

Save time with data management automation processes by implementing intelligence and creating reports efficiently. We ensure our analytics enable you to monitor revenue and expenses without doing any manual tasks.

Identify Demand Forecasting

Get reliable insights by consolidating data sources and serving as a single point of contact for enterprises and startups alike. We guarantee that your data is always accurate and consistent, providing value-intensive data analytics and reports.

Design Pricing Strategies

Make data science your pricing assistant by analyzing large volumes of customer data on their behavior and market trends. We help your business offer targeted pricing on deals on real-time market conditions that maximize profit and keep customers happy.

Customer Segmentation and Behavior

We help you evaluate your customers’ buying patterns and segregate them based on their behavior, creating unique personas. By optimizing marketing campaigns, we analyze competitors and set pricing strategies to optimize promotions.

Why Choose BigDataCentric?

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Why Choose BigDataCentric?

Choose BigDataCentric for unparalleled industry experience and expertise in AI-powered app and web development. Our innovative solutions and cutting-edge technology drive business success. Partner with us for smart, efficient, and scalable products.


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  • How much will data analytics services cost?

    The cost of data analytics services depends on the type of business and services you want to use. A typical range for data analytics consulting services is USD 100 – USD 900 per hour, depending on the seniority and expertise of consultants. For small to big projects, you can expect ...

  • Do you provide services for existing data analytics projects?

    Yes, your business is experiencing issues with its current systems. In that case, Big Data Centric can help you improve performance by analyzing and identifying the root cause, devising a strategy based on the problem, and offering optimized support.

  • How long does it take to prepare, develop, and deploy a data analytics model?

    Developing and deploying a data analytics strategy and model depends on the complexity of your business, available data, and your requirements. It can take a few weeks to several months. A small model can be completed in a week to two months, whereas a big project can take four months ...

  • How do you evaluate the performance of data analytics models?

    We use several performance metrics to analyze and evaluate AI and ML models for data analysis. These include accuracy, precision, and recall, with data visualization and dashboards to provide customized solutions for your specific needs.